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He owns that the Cerinthians and Ebionites long before that had affirmed that Jesus had no existence previous to Mary's conception, and was literally and physically the carpenter's son, and so asserted the mere humanity of the Redeemer, 'but,' he adds, 'they admitted I know not what unintelligible exaltation of His nature upon His Ascension by which He became no less the object of worship than if His nature had been originally divine.Watts's second treatise was 'to lead an c dos gameport lpt program Arian by soft and easy steps into a belief of the divinity of Christ,' but if he granted what he did, the Arian would have led him, if the controversy had been pushed to its logical results.He maintains that when Athanasius spoke of Jews who held the simple humanity of Christ, he meant what he said, viz.For perhaps there never was an author more qualified than he was to speak of 'enthusiasm' in a sympathetic c dos gameport lpt program but impartial spirit.O.This, indeed, was the general c dos gameport lpt program course inside as well as outside the Church.The term Socinian is, however, misleading.As the biographer of Socinus remarks, 'The Trinitarian forms of worship which are preserved in the Church of England, and which are so closely incorporated with its services, c dos gameport lpt program must furnish an insuperable objection against conformity with all sincere and conscientious Unitarians.ii.My design here was to write for private and unlearned Christians, and to lead them by the fairest and most obvious sense of Scripture into c dos gameport lpt program some acquaintance with the great doctrine of the Trinity.It is what he calls 'the moral argument' for the Trinity.Priestley published his 'History of the Corruptions of Christianity,' which, as Horsley c dos gameport lpt program says, was 'nothing less than an attack upon the creeds and established discipline of every church in Christendom.vi.
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