Calming effects of music
Rollo told him the reason.Perhaps it is, calming effects of music said Jonas.Haven't you got some box that will do? said Henry.One of calming effects of music the drollest of all of Rollo's experiments was his plan for getting a bee hive.Then, said he, our dial will be done.However, just at calming effects of music this point in the conversation, he suddenly stopped, and pointed down to a flower pot, which stood bottom upwards, upon a seat, near where they were walking.When he came up near the seat where Henry and Rollo stood, he found the boys standing a step or two back from the flower pot, both watching the hole with the utmost intentness.Yes, said his father, I think it is the calming effects of music biggest gnomon I ever saw.I only want you to keep him in a minute, while I go and get a plug.He thought he would leave the hole stopped up, so that the bees might get used to their new accommodations but he intended to open it the next day, in order to calming effects of music let them begin their work.Does the Dipper move? said Rollo.
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