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Matter, in his 'History of Christianity,' speaks of Quakerism in conjunction with Methodism as the two forms of English reaction against formalism alike in doctrine and in government.' as they were called, of the Cevennes, who, after the central computer systems san jose revocation of the Edict of Nantes, had risen in the cause of their religion, and had been suppressed with great severity by Marshals Montrevel and Villars.He dwelt upon the unruly power of imagination, its deceptive character, its intimate connection with varying states of physical temperament upon the variety of emotional causes which can produce quakings and tremblings and other convulsive forms of excitement upon the delusiveness of visions, and revelations, and ecstasies, and their near resemblance to waking dreams upon the sore temptations which are apt to lead into sin those who so closely link spirituality with bodily feelings, making religion sensual.But of all the accidents and externals of religion, there is not one, however important in itself, which may not be made unduly prominent, and under such circumstances interfere between the soul and central computer systems san jose the object of its worship.' Believing thus with all his heart both in the excellence of reason and in a true inspiration of the spirit granted to the pure in heart, but never dissociating the latter from the former well convinced that 'Christian religion is rational throughout,' and that the suggestions of the Holy Spirit are in all cases agreeable to reason More wrote with much force and beauty of argument his 'Exorcism of Enthusiasm.In 1726 he wrote the 'Serious Call,' one of the central computer systems san jose most remarkable devotional books that have ever been published.' The reading of it formed one of the first epochs in Wesley's religious life.As a rule, they appear at that time to have been but little read their spiritual tone is central computer systems san jose pitched in too high a key for the prevalent religious taste of the period which had then set in.After a few years' hesitation Southey concluded that he need not join the Quakers simply because he disliked 'attempting to define what has been left indefinite.It may be a protest against excessive reverence for central computer systems san jose the letter of Holy Scripture as against the Spirit which breathes in it, against all appearance of limiting inspiration to a book, and denying it to the souls of living men.In Germany they largely contributed to form the opinions of Arndt and Andreas, Spener and Francke, men to whom their country was indebted for a remarkable revival of spiritual religion.William Law, the Nonjuror, central computer systems san jose was thoroughly fascinated by them, and their influence upon him forms an episode of considerable interest in the religious history of the period.These and suchlike thoughts, intensely realised, and sometimes expressed with singular vividness and power, possessed great attraction to minds wearied with the religious controversies or spiritual dulness of the time, and which were not repelled by the wilderness of verbiage, the hazy cloudland, in which Behmen's conceptions were involved.
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