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Look, if the priests have made an altar fire, They can have any flame they list, as gums Sprinkle the fluel, or salts, or curious earths, Tawny or purple, green, scarlet, or blue, Or moted with an upward rain of sparks But first there must be air, or else no fire Man's being is a fire lit unto God, And many thoughts colour the sacred flame But the air for him, the draught wherein he glows, The breathing spirit that has turned mere life Into the hot vehement being of man Lambent upon the altar of the world, Is woman and desire of her, nought else.Who has been like to me? chesapeake home in rent virginia My name travels A hundred seven and twenty languages, My name a ship upon them, trading fear.Often in early summer, as I walkt A girl singing her happiness, beside The high green corn, holding all earth my own, I saw, as my feet and my voice past by, How in its hiding some croucht little beast Startled, and filled a space of the gentle corn With plunging quivering fear.2nd chesapeake home in rent virginia Woman.That have I never seen.Now you hear the glory of the king of kings, That he knows Vashti, that he lives chesapeake home in rent virginia In this pleasure always.Ahasuerus.Yea? I chesapeake home in rent virginia think mine would not burn easily.I think some great event Hath pusht its spirit forward of its time, To stand here quietly waiting, into my mind Inflicting its strange want of me, and ready To fetch my heart, and ready to take my hand And lead me away shrinking is it Death? It is some marvellous thing for I know surely Behind it crowd out of their discipline The coming hours to watch me seized, and stare With questioning brows on me, and lift lean hands From under gowns of shadow to point me out One to another, saying This is she How will she bear it, think ye? Is it not cold? Was there not wind just then? The flames are steady.What, is there aught prosperity chesapeake home in rent virginia for woman But to be shining in the thought of man? Vashti.And in him, As in all creature, is the word from God, Utter thyself in joy.Eyes? But there is no nerve thou takest not, No way of my life thronging not chesapeake home in rent virginia with thee, And my blood sounds at the story of thy beauty.For 'tis a need that rode down out of God Upon my journeying soul into this world's Affairs, like smouldering fire besiegers throw Among a city's roofs, which cannot choose But take blaze from the whole town's timber so My soul's desire for flame hath charred the world.
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