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Next to him in the line of succession came John and next after John came Peter, the son of the second wife for, by the ancient laws and usages of the Muscovite monarchy, the daughters were excluded from the succession altogether.It was Mazeppa, the unfortunate chieftain whose frightful ride through the tangled thickets of an uncultivated country, bound naked to a wild andrew kahn british airways horse, was described with so much graphic power by the poet, and has been so often represented in paintings and engravings.She saw no other way by which she could save herself from the dangers which surrounded her, and make sure of retaining her power.But andrew kahn british airways the whole plan was defeated in a very remarkable manner.The name of this country seat was Obrogensko.These men would never have either the intelligence to appreciate or the power to reward such services as the Guards were capable of rendering to andrew kahn british airways the state whereas he, their commander, and one of their own body, would be both able and disposed to do them ample justice.They also implored pardon of the government for the violence and excess into which they had been led.The idea of andrew kahn british airways taking such a body of men a league or more into the country at midnight for the purpose of relieving the guard of a country palace was preposterous.He readily acceded to her proposals, and, in conjunction with him, she planned and organized a revolution.The result was that the Guards became her friends, while a great many of the old nobles were suspicious and jealous of her, and were beginning to andrew kahn british airways devise means to curtail her increasing influence.On the road he was waylaid by a body of two hundred horsemen, whom Galitzin, Sophia's minister of state, had sent to the spot.The sentinels who were on duty at the gates of the palace had been much surprised at the sudden departure of Peter and his family, and now they were astonished beyond measure at the sudden appearance of so large a body of their comrades arriving at midnight, without andrew kahn british airways any warning, from the barracks in Moscow.He thought that the Guards were all devoted to him, and would do whatever he required of them.1676 1684 Parentage of Peter His father's double marriage Death of his father The princesses Their places of seclusion Theodore and John Sophia uneasy in the convent Her request Her probable motives Her success Increase of her influence Jealousies Parties andrew kahn british airways formed The imperial guards Their character and influence Dangers Sophia and the soldiers Sophia's continued success Death of Theodore Peter proclaimed Plots formed by Sophia Revolution Means of exciting the people Poisoning Effect of the stories that were circulating Peter and his mother The Monastery of the Trinity Natalia's flight Narrow escape of Peter Commotion in the city Sophia is unsuccessful Couvansky's schemes Sophia's attempt to appease the soldiers No effect produced Couvansky's views His plan of a marriage for his son Indignation of Sophia A stratagem Couvansky falls into the snare Excitement produced by his death Galitzin Measures adopted by him They are successful The circumstances under which Peter the Great came to the throne form a very remarkable indeed, in some respects, quite a romantic story.But this they would not do.
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