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The emperor was confined with the gout at Brussels, and his brother Ferdinand presided.Then turning to his son Philip, he said And you, my son, let the grateful recollection of this day redouble your care and affection for alissa milano pics your people.of France to form a new holy league for the defense of the papal church against the inroads of heresy.The Catholic princes, terrified in view of the progress of the infidel, foreseeing the entire subjection of Europe to the arms of the Moslem unless Christendom could combine in self defense, joined their voices with that of Ferdinand so earnestly and in such impassioned tones, that the emperor finally, though very reluctantly, gave his assent to the celebrated treaty of Passau, on the alissa milano pics 2d of August, 1552.Though his brother Ferdinand urged him to yield, though his Catholic ambassadors intreated him to yield, though they declared that if he did not they should be compelled to abandon his cause and make the best terms for themselves with the conqueror that they could, still nothing could bend his inflexible will, and the armies, after the lull of a few days, were again in motion.Charles alissa milano pics returns to Spain.The Treaty of Passau.Still it was a long march of some alissa milano pics two hundred miles.He scourged himself with the most cruel severity, till his back was lacerated with the whip.He replied I can, alissa milano pics by a word, create a hundred nobles but God alone can create a Guicciardini.In the free cities of the empire, where both religions were established, both were to be tolerated.The emperor was here entirely overcome alissa milano pics by emotion, and embracing Philip, sank exhausted into his chair.
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