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These were his views.Our horses are of little worth, for there are plenty running wild, which a cannot email receive good huntsman can take with a lasso.Thus the pecuniary results of the trip amounted to the handsome sum of twenty four thousand dollars.Their object was to cause a stampede, that is, to cannot email receive throw the animals into such a panic that they would break away from everything, and follow the Indian horses off into the boundless prairie.Here they found a ready market for their furs, at twelve dollars a pound.The trappers comprehended instantly that the warriors had been to the cannot email receive Mexican settlement in Sonora, on a thieving expedition, and that the horses had changed hands, with only one party to the bargain.But when Kit Carson was in a company nothing was ever left to chance.Many of the Indians believe that cannot email receive the beavers have human intelligence.The Indians had erected two large huts, or wigwams, which, in their caution, they had constructed partially as forts into which they could retreat and protect themselves should they be attacked.Several of the party were then in favor of returning, with their recovered property, cannot email receive as rapidly as possible.Soon after their return, in the latter part of January, a party of Crow Indians, one very dark night, succeeded in stealthily approaching the camp and in driving off nine of the animals which were grazing at a short distance.There was a grove near cannot email receive by.
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