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The statesmen of England contemplate it with dread.He announced his acceptance of the dignity with which they would invest him and uttered his views respecting the measures card e online valentine which he adopted to secure the prosperity of the Italian Republic , as the new state was henceforth to be called.Prejudices are still against me.He addressed the assembly in the Italian language, with as much ease of manner, elegance of expression, and fluency of utterance as if his whole life had been devoted to the cultivation of card e online valentine the powers of oratory.Melancholy is the lot of man.The First Consul also devoted card e online valentine special attention to female schools.It was constituted in four ranks grand officers, commanders, officers, and private legionaries.Napoleon himself card e online valentine was deeply moved by the scene.All sorts of merit are brothers.All the emigrants card e online valentine hold each other by the hand.He ought to burn a wax candle to Our Lady, for having got out of the scrape so fortunately and in so unexpected a manner.
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