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Thence they started for California.Colonel Fremont therefore lost wax casting process pictures consented that a fat young horse, which he had purchased of the Indians, should be killed for food.Many of the mules died of starvation.Fremont, its leader, on lost wax casting process pictures the wings of fame, throughout the civilized world.Accordingly he assembled the men, informed them of his intention, and of the great hardships to which they would doubtless be exposed.Far out in the lake there was lost wax casting process pictures seen a very attractive and densely wooded island.These extraordinary men, in the depths of winter, had travelled from Fort Hall about two thousand miles.Kit Carson was sent back to Fort Bent to procure lost wax casting process pictures the mules, and to rejoin the party at St.They purchased the antelope and encamped early to enjoy the rich feast.Under date of February 23rd he writes This was our most difficult lost wax casting process pictures day.This stream they followed up in a northwesterly direction some sixty miles, through a ravine in the mountains, till they reached the head waters of the Laramie river.They were suddenly attacked lost wax casting process pictures by a party of thirty Indians, who either captured or killed all of the party except the man and the boy, who fortunately escaped.
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