Black and white singles
There as the shadows slowly gather round, Gianni comes, and stops a moody hour She, ice to his approaches he, despair But ere he goes, he places in her hand A large ripe orange, fresh from Sicily, And begs her to accept it for his sake.To solve two problems, now engrossed black and white singles my life.Its head is red as if sucked full of blood But all the rest, its hundred legs, and tail, The mailed back, and the wide webbed prickly wings, Are green, like those base eyes of jealousy Which hope to see a covert murder done.III black and white singles.I know that I shall fall sick dangerously, And in some way by dark Gianni's hand.I saw their faces, and black and white singles the one was fair.Strange news had Veera.The next man comes and makes a thankless use Of what the black and white singles other knew, and wins the praise The first man lost by being ripe too soon.VII.Her story done, Veera entreated me To set my black and white singles face for Mesched with the dawn.Most human calculations end in loss, And every one who has a plan devised, Is like a foolish walker on a rope, First balancing on this side, then on that, Hazarding much to gain a paltry end And if the rope of calculation breaks, Or if the foot slip, added to mishap Come the world's jeers and gibes and so 'tis best.So, take black and white singles the kingdom, and ride long and well.
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