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The Long Island Indians sent a delegation to New Amsterdam declaring that for ten years, since 1645, they had been the friends of the Dutch, and had done them no harm, not even to the value of a dog.Thus earring flat gold hoop in the Swedish dominion on the South river was brought to an end.The farmers with their families, fled from all directions to fort Amsterdam for protection.As this earring flat gold hoop in did not satisfy you, you were induced to reside in one of the principal houses of the city.His case eventually excited so much compassion that Stuyvesant's sister interfered, and implored her brother so importunately that he was at last induced to liberate the unfortunate man.Under this construction of earring flat gold hoop in the law every religion was in fact tolerated.The cry of murder rang through the streets.The Swedes had held earring flat gold hoop in their independent position on the Delaware but about seventeen years.No one dared to venture to any distance from the fort.This was the most powerful military expedition which had ever moved from earring flat gold hoop in any of the colonies.A strong negro then commenced lashing him with rods until his flesh was cut in pieces.' He earring flat gold hoop in was then led anew before the director general, who ordered him to work, otherwise he should be whipt every day.
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