Eating habit healthier
But perhaps you will die before your parents do.Look at him at home, and, instead of eating habit healthier being light hearted and cheerful, he is sullen and morose.All children are exposed to death and when you least expect it, you may be called to lie upon a bed of sickness, and go down to the grave.A lie is, in the sight of God, a dreadful sin, be it ever eating habit healthier so trifling in our estimation.She happened, for the moment, to be looking away, and he broke a small piece off and covered the rest in his lap with his handkerchief.The circumstance may seem a trifling one, but the thought of it now pains my heart, and I relate it, that those children eating habit healthier who have parents to love them may learn to value them as they ought.He rode sadly along, thinking what excuse he should make to his parents for his long absence, when he saw his father, at a distance, coming to meet him.The doctor was called but eating habit healthier she grew worse and worse.Cases will occur in which you will be strongly tempted to say that which is false.And the second is, that he has not courage enough to admit it, and eating habit healthier tells a lie to hide his fault.Oh, how will you feel in that solemn hour! All your past life will come to your mind, and you will think that you would give worlds, if you could blot out the remembrance of past ingratitude.She raised her languid eating habit healthier eyes to me, but could not speak.He would march to the mouth of the cannon in the hour of battle he would ride through the field when bullets were flying in every direction, and strewing the ground with the dead, and not a nerve would tremble.But we must not forget that there is a day eating habit healthier of most solemn judgment near at hand.
Tagged with: child picture of an apple