Cause neck pain possible
On the whole therefore although I am not ignorant that, in many popularly elected School Boards, there is a reaction in favour of the cheap system as it is called I am myself disposed to think that this is one of the many cases in which expense is the truest economy.Doubtless, the life of an Irregular is hard but the interests of the Greater Number require that cause neck pain possible it shall be hard.But, as I shall soon shew, this custom, though it has the advantage of safety, is not without its disadvantages.e cause neck pain possible.Again, when I am in the company of one of my two hexagonal Grandsons, contemplating one of his sides (AB) full front, it will be evident from the accompanying diagram that I shall see one whole line (AB) in comparative brightness (shading off hardly at all at the ends) and two smaller lines (CA and BD) dim throughout and shading away into greater dimness towards the extremities C and D.Even if you had completed your third year in the Pentagonal and Hexagonal classes in the University, and were perfect in the theory of the subject, you would still find that there was need of many years of experience, before you could move in a fashionable crowd without jostling against your betters, whom it is against etiquette to ask to feel, and who, by their superior culture cause neck pain possible and breeding, know all about your movements, while you know very little or nothing about theirs.Such at least is the painful teaching of my experience.For, although they can inflict instantaneous death by a retrograde movement, yet unless they can at once disengage their stinging extremity from the struggling body of their victim, their own cause neck pain possible frail bodies are liable to be shattered.The rhythmical and, if I may so say, well modulated undulation of the back in our ladies of Circular rank is envied and imitated by the wife of a common Equilateral, who can achieve nothing beyond a mere monotonous swing, like the ticking of a pendulum and the regular tick of the Equilateral is no less admired and copied by the wife of the progressive and aspiring Isosceles, in the females of whose family no back motion of any kind has become as yet a necessity of life.If for example, when my Father, the Triangle, approaches me, he happens to present his side to me instead of his angle, then, until I have asked him to rotate, or until I have edged my eye round him, I am for the moment doubtful cause neck pain possible whether he may not be a Straight Line, or, in other words, a Woman.Permit me to ask you to feel and be felt by my friend Mr.I pointed out that in some less civilized States no female is suffered to stand in any public place without swaying her back from right to cause neck pain possible left.C A +( (Eye) B D But I must not give way to the temptation of enlarging on these topics.To my readers in Spaceland the condition of our Women may seem truly deplorable, and so indeed cause neck pain possible it is.
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