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It wasn't nice of me, I know, nor brave, nor anything, but I couldn't seem to help it underneath all that pile of broken seats and racks and beams and things.THE ONLY THING I'D MIND, I TELL YOU, WOULD BE TO THINK THAT HE REALLY AND TRULY WAS THE MAN WHO WAS free elegant border MADE FOR ME AND I MISSED FINDING IT OUT! Oh, of course, I've worried myself sick these past few months thinking of the audacity of what I've done.But first,' he says, all suddenly cautious and thrifty, 'how much does it cost to go to college?' And just about as delicate and casual as a missionary hinting for a new chapel, I blurted out loud as a bull 'Well, if I go up state to our own college, and get a chance to work for part of my board, it will cost me just $255 a year, or maybe maybe,' I stammered, 'maybe, if I'm extra careful, only $245.I tell free elegant border you I don't pretend to explain it, I don't pretend to account for it all I know is that smothering there under all that horrible wreckage and everything the instant my hand went home to his, the most absolute sense of serenity and contentment went over me.Never mind what I told him.Sure they're boys! he free elegant border said.I don't know how to express it I can't exactly think, even, of any words to explain it.But it was not until the Young Electrician had come striding back to his seat, and wrapped himself up in the fold of a big newspaper, and not until the train had started on again and had ground out another noisy mile or so, free elegant border that the Traveling Salesman spoke again and this time it was just a little bit surreptitiously.But the grin on his lips did not altogether falter.Gee! said the free elegant border Traveling Salesman.And yet, and yet after all, it isn't as though I were reaching out into the darkness after an indefinite object.Oh, no, you're not! Can't you see that if he's there, I wouldn't mind you so much but if he doesn't come, can't you understand that maybe I'd just free elegant border as soon you didn't know about it? O h, said the Traveling Salesman.You see, I've never done anything but whisper it just to myself before.'They're all dead!' 'O h,' said the Voice, free elegant border and then I began to cry harder than ever, and principally this time, I think, I cried because the horrid, old red plush cushions smelt so stale and dusty, jammed against my nose.
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