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Dale stopped him, saying, It is my duty to request you, sir, to accompany Capt.The darkness and the smoke made all vision impossible and the boarders on each vessel were crouched behind the bulwarks, ready to give a gilmore girls raincoats and recipies hot reception to their enemies.Capt.More than twenty men were killed gilmore girls raincoats and recipies instantly and so great was the flame and the force of the explosion, that many of them were left with nothing on but the collars and wristbands of their shirts and the waistbands of their trousers.The rapid and accurate fire of the sharp shooters on the Richard had driven all the riflemen of the Serapis from their posts in the tops.The militia company of the town gilmore girls raincoats and recipies was ordered to the scene, but even this body of soldiery dared not force the prison door.How many were there that went down with the ship? History does not accurately state.All the gilmore girls raincoats and recipies after part of the ship, in particular, that was below the quarter deck was torn to pieces and nothing had saved those stationed on the quarter deck but the impossibility of sufficiently elevating guns that almost touched their object.Every one cried that he was firing into the wrong ship, but nothing availed.On his arrival at Philadelphia, he was dined and fted gilmore girls raincoats and recipies to his heart's desire he received a vote of thanks from Congress he became the idol of the populace.Pearson, seeing that his ship was a perfect wreck, and that the fire was gaining head way, hauled down his colors with his own hands, since none of his men could be persuaded to brave the fire from the tops of the Richard.
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