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The Archbishop of Prague was expelled from the city, and the Jesuits were also banished.Matthias was still apprehensive that the emperor might rally the Catholic forces of Germany, and in union with the pope acrylic chair clear and the formidable power of the Spanish court, make an attempt to recover his Bohemian throne.Much as Rhodolph is to be execrated and despised, one can hardly refrain from an emotion of sympathy in view of this new blow which fell upon him.He also issued his prohibition acrylic chair clear but aware of the strength of the Protestants, did not venture to attempt to enforce it by arms.If sovereign power emanates from God, these atrocious deeds must proceed from the devil, and therefore must draw down divine punishment.Matthew Henry, Count acrylic chair clear of Thurn, was one of the most illustrious and wealthy of the Bohemian nobles.The Silesians and Lusatians marched to help them, and the Protestant league of Germany sent them timely supplies.The Jesuits loudly exulted, declaring that heresy was no longer to be acrylic chair clear tolerated.To secure also the electoral vote for Emperor of Germany, while parties were so divided and so bitterly hostile to each other, required the most adroit application of bribes and menaces.A general assembly was convened at acrylic chair clear Lintz.But the turbulent nobles, ever armed, and strong in their fortresses, would accept no monarch whom they did not approve.As soon as they had sent off acrylic chair clear the cardinal, Ferdinand and Maximilian repaired to the royal chamber, informed the emperor of what they had done, and attempted to justify the deed on the plea that the cardinal was a weak and wicked minister whose policy would certainly divide and ruin the house of Austria.The Die cast.He issued a manifesto, which was but a transcript of his own soul, and which is really sublime in the sincerity and acrylic chair clear fervor of its intolerance.
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